Saturday, October 20, 2012

The frisbee..

This is why you should check to see if your frisbee floats, before flinging it into the water.

You gotta give Trey full marks for trying.

And trying.  

And trying.

But despite his best efforts he couldn't come up with it.

Since the water was so cold, and Trey was visibly shaking, I decided we should continue on with our walk "sans frisbee".  

Happily Wendy found a ball.  Wendy is always finding balls.  And we had a lovely long walk to the bay behind the beach.

On our way back to the car an hour or two later, I saw the frisbee lying in the muck in about a foot of water as the receding tide had lowered the water level. 

I considered taking my shoes off and wading in to get it, but decided against that, and just waded in, shoes and all.  

Yup.  I got it.  Well ?   What was I s'posed to do ?  That frisbee cost $10 !


  1. You are a brave and kind soul, and the dogs would certainly appreciate your wet shoe rescue.

    1. I think it was the right choice Bonnie. I think bare foot would have been colder and uckier.

  2. **Grin!** Good job retrieving that frisbee, Sybil! 10 bucks is a really fancy frisbee! Good Sybil.

    1. Kathy, Trey is basically a pit bull. He can shred a "normal" frisbee just carrying it. That frisbee was soft and durable ... just didn't float.

  3. Hey Cuz! I'm gonna send you a bunch of frisbees, 'cause out here they only cost about a buck or less at garage sales!


    1. Hey back cuz, see above. But thanks for the offer.

  4. Haha! I hope your dogs know how lucky they are to have you AND such an amazing place to play.

    1. and I am lucky for having them and "an amazing place to play", Cindy.

  5. Fun pictures! Trey is persistent!

  6. Fun post and pictures!

  7. Lovely photos of your dogs.

    The frisbee cost $10 but what about your shoes? How much did your shoes cost? Did you ruin them?


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