Monday, March 7, 2011

A seal of approval

Amy-Lynn and I took our new Blogger chum Lynne (Five Good Things), for a drive along the Eastern Shore today.  Lynne is here on a two-week visit to check out the province before she moves here later this summer.
Though the temperature was well above freezing, the driving wind and rain squalls made it feel pretty darn cold.

Our first stop was at Fisherman's Reserve -- a scenic fishing outpost that clearly has seen better days. 

Fisherman's Reserve

Then we continued on to Martinique Beach, which at 5 km is the longest beach in Nova Scotia. 

Martinique Beach

Fantasies of beach combing were dashed by the driving wet wind, so we lingered only long enough to determine that we wanted to come back on a nicer day.

Amy-Lynn and Lynne

The wind had driven a lot of sand inland.

But the high point of the day was an unexpected sighting along the shore road.  There -- on the shore -- what's that ?

Harp seal

It was a Harp seal relaxing on the shore !   We pulled over, rolled down the car windows and leaned out like goofy tourists taking pictures.    I've never seen a wild seal this close and I was surprised by the seal's colourful coat.  These are the same seals that start out a fluffy, white babies.

To top off a fun day we paid another visits to the ducks at Walker's Feeds.

Everything here is just ducky according to Lynne

Visit Amy-Lynn's post to learn more about the Harp seal and to view her marvellous photos at  Flandrum Hill.


  1. OK, I'm a bit and Amy Lynn are really friends? How cool is that?? So happy that all of you (including Lynne) could view that magnificent harp seal!

  2. Kathy, Amy-Lynn and I are bestest best friends. We get together weekly. When we met with Lynne we three "clicked" instantly. I'm really hoping after Lynne moves here that we three will continue to get together. I am very lucky that the Blog-o-sphere has brought me two good friends ...

  3. That is just be best thing, ever! A huge shout out to the Blog-o-sphere! There are no better friends, anywhere, than blogging buddies.

  4. Oh, for goodness sakes, my first comment on your blog and there's an error...should have been "the best thing, ever."

  5. No worries Cheryl, I didn't even notice the typo ...

    Thanks for visiting my Blog.

    The Blog-o-sphere really is an amazing community.


  6. How nice of you to visit Garden Sense and leave kind comments! I'm glad I got to see a bit of your world - looks lovely!

  7. Hey Sybil, fancy putting my mug on your post! It was such a fun day! Thanks to the blogsphere!

    Lynne xx

  8. How wonderful to come across the seal and get to see it so close. Glad to meet you, Sybil, and look forward to more of your posts!

  9. Cait, thanks for visiting my Blog.

    I love the Blog-o-sphere !


  10. Lynne, hope you didn't mind me putting your "mug" on my post. Perhaps I should have asked ... duh ...


Thanks for stopping by. I really do love to read your comments.