Tuesday, March 13, 2012

A delayed outing

The same flu that laid me low for a while, also had its way with friends, Amy and Mickie.  As a result,  we delayed our outing to Duncan's Cove until Sunday, when the weather was nicer and we were feeling more like our old selves.

It was an easy, scenic drive down Purcell's Cove Road, which offered lovely views across the widening harbour, toward the open Atlantic. We parked, and within minutes were walking along the rocky shore.

We came across this massive beat-up buoy that had been hurled a hundred metres out of the ocean.  We guessed that the individual links on the chain weighed at least 20 pounds each.  I know, I know, "metres" and "pounds".  I can relate to distance in metric but not weight.  Go figure.

I crawled underneath to see what there was to see, while Mickie peered in through a split in its shell.

photo credit: Amy B.

I poked my camera inside and asked the flash to reveal what I could not see.

Mickie has an app on her phone that spits and creates mirror images of photos. She took this AMAZING photo !  Click it to get the full effect. Do you see the face ?

The shore is peppered with WWII gun battery emplacements, that have fallen into ruin.

From one of them, Mickie and I, contemplate the vastness of the ocean.

Amy does not.

Glancing up, I was surprised to see that two of the round emplacements, had been incorporated into the foundations of homes on the cliff-edge.

Yep, that's Trey.  Luckily, no one was home.

To get up to see these cliff-edge homes, I clambered up the rocks, and with help from Wendy and Trey made it to the top.
Amy took this shot of me.  She calls it, "Find Sybil".

We'd been rambling around for a couple of hours, with many places yet to explore.

"Where to next?" Amy asked.

I was embarrassed to say I was beat, and just wanted to go home for a nap.  Luckily, I wasn't alone, as Mickie expressed the same desire.

Apparently this flu bug wasn't quite finished with us yet, so we gave in and headed home.

But we're already looking forward to our next outing.

And our next nap.


  1. Poor Sybil, sorry you've been poorly. It does take ages for that mean old virus to leave. Looks like an interesting place to explore. Another one to add to my list!

    Vickyn xx

  2. That buoy is the coolest. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Ahhhhh. I regret not having the chance to get out and about with you. Can I move in????????
    BTW, do you know where that buoy came from? You're on the wrong side for it to be from Japan after the tsunami.


  4. Wow !! that is incredible !!

    we watched the movie "contagion" last night (borrowed from the library) - yikes gives way new meaning to the word "virus"

    ps I almost always post each & every day, rarely missing a day but you can subscribe also - the widget is directly below my archives - please let me know if it doesn't work. xo s

    hooray !! no dreaded WD (word veri)

  5. Hi Sybil: After a long hiatus I have figured a work-around for blogger's refusal to allow me to comment because i appear to have two accounts - ok! Lol
    Duncan's Cove is a wondeful spot isn't it - I last visited there maybe 50 years ago - at that time, it was an artist's colony and somewhat grittier than now - the house incorporating the gun emplacements was there then - the 'buoy' was too - it may not be a buoy, but the remnants of a wrecked ship. Ships were torpedoed fairly often in this area during WW2.
    Coote's Cove - the naturists beach is very close by.

  6. Large metal objects frighten me. I didn't realize that until you wrote that you climbed underneath whatever the heck it is . . . and I cringed. Might have whimpered a bit, too. Dramatic views, though. You do get out and about.

  7. What a fun outing, Miss Sybil! Is this Amy the same as Miss Amy-Lynn or is there more than one Amy in your Universe?

  8. Upwoods, I am blessed by having two Amys in my life. One Amy and one Amy-Lynn.

    Gerry, I can't believe that thing has been sitting there for 50 years or so.

    Janet, welcome back. I'm now having trouble commenting on WordPress blogs ... sigh

  9. Wonderful photos. Thanks for pushing yourself up and out to bring them to us.


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