Tuesday, April 24, 2012

How could I forget ?

Back in Portland, the day after I visited the Chinese Garden, Stacey took me to the Japanese Garden.

Where is the post about that visit ?   I was sure I'd told you all about it.

Unlike the Chinese Garden, which covers only a city-block in downtown Portland, the Japanese Garden is much larger, and is located in the lush countryside.

The main entrance.

The Flat Garden is formed from raked sand.

The Natural Garden, which contains ponds, waterfalls, streams and small bridges looks ancient and not man-made.

Strategically placed benches, encourage the visitor to sit a while.

Walk slowly here. To rush, just doesn't feel right.

The Sand and Stone Garden features the simplicity of weathered stones, rising from a bed of "sand" (white gravel) raked to suggest the sea.  This garden style is typically found in Zen monasteries.

The Poetry Stone reads:

"Here, miles from Japan, I stand as if warmed by the 
spring sunshine of home."

Now you can see why I had to rectify my omission.

How could I have forgotten to share this marvellous place with you ?


  1. Beautiful pictures. It looks very peaceful. There is the one that looks very eerie,yet very peaceful.

  2. The Chinese garden is famous, but I have never heard of this one. I enlarged your photos for a better view and found the moss incredible.

  3. Bonnie, peaceful is the word for it.

    Les, the "natural" one is my screen saver right now.

  4. How beautiful! The last photo of trees in bloom remind me of a Japanese song I learned waaaaaay back in primary school from a visiting teacher.

    "Cherry Blooms, Cherry Blooms,
    How your fragrance fills the air,
    Trees in Blossom everywhere....."


  5. A Japanese garden is one of my favorite things, Sybil, and you've presented this one beautifully. But you got my hopes up -- for a second I thought the garden was in Portland, Maine (although some part of my brain knew it couldn't be). Thank you for posting this.

  6. Walk slowly. To rush isn't right. Read Sybil's blog slowly. To rush isn't right. :)

  7. Fourth photo down. Really awesome shot!

  8. ITC - the blossoms were lovely.

    mbi - I wish we had a Japanese Garden here in Halifax.

    Thanks Kathy.

    Scott, that's my current screen saver. It was so lush and beautiful.

  9. Looks like a wonderfully soothing place to wander around.

  10. Those are wonderful photos. You're not going to believe this, but I only just realized that really big versions in a slideshow are just a click away. Boyohboy did I have fun in the garden. Sat and looked at that winding staircase for quite awhile.


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