Friday, December 21, 2012

Cloudy with a chance of brimstone !

Apparently the world is ending today.

It may be blowing up in a devastating cataclysm, as comet meets earth.  Or, it may be getting all shook up, rent asunder, as the magnetic poles shift.  Or perhaps, something less obvious may happen.   Perhaps, humans will evolve to a higher level of consciousness.  

The end of world is the butt of jokes.  But how many jokers are laughing with fingers crossed, secretly  wishing that they too had a bunker with a five-year supply of food, and endless tapes of  "Friends" to keep them entertained as they patiently wait, till it's safe, to open the door and step back outside ?

The Mayan people find this end-of-the-world frenzy amusing.  There's no deep significance to the end of their calendar -- they simply ran out of time, interest, paper or stone tablets.  Imagine having a 2012 calendar that just ENDS on December 31, 2012, and not realizing that the world isn't ending -- you just have to go to the store and get a 2013 calendar !  What's more,  we got the date wrong.  The Mayan calendar ends on December 22, not on December 21.  Apparently people are using the 21st, because it is the solstice and hence a more memorable date.  How very arbitrary of them.

But the world does end every day for someone.  Perhaps they literally leave it, through death.  Perhaps their world is destroyed through a terrible tragedy, yet they must find a way to continue on.  For someone, the world is ending today.

"Today is the first day of the rest of your life", may be cliché, but it's also good advice.  Today is a fresh start. Today you can choose to be better than you were -- to be more than you were. Today is an opportunity to evolve.

Each morning you awake can be New Year's Day if you want it to be.

Just imagine.

Happy New Year !


  1. I like this post. End of the world did not happen. A happy new year to you as well. Take care. I hope things begin to get better for you.

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks Bonnie. The blog post wrote itself. It started with the title rolling around in my head and making me smile.

  3. Well said, but Friends? I will take my chances outside the bunker with the un-chosen if those are the only DVDs available.

    1. I chose Friends coz the idea of sitting in a bunker for five years is pretty futile, so I figured why not add to the futility ? lol

  4. Nicely done, Sybil. Is that you at a Mayan ruin? I'd like to see those someday.

    1. Thanks. Yep. That's me. And if only you knew how hard that was for me to be standing there. Soooo scared of the height, and the edge and the steep steps. But what a thrill !

  5. Oh dear. We still have to worry? Today is the 22nd, omg, the world is going to end today, not yesterday!

  6. I feel safe in saying you can stop worrying now Linda. It's already tomorrow in Australia.

  7. I'm still here, are you? Unless of course I awoke dead in an alternate reality. Nope, still here, still cold, and still have to cook Christmas dinner for 15! Aw, well, it's my last one; cooking dinner I mean. The rest is up to the "kids" (they're 47 & 49; 'bout time!)

    1. The kids are 47 & 49 !!!???

      I'm here too. Fabulous day today at Rainbow Haven. OMG well over 10C. Sorry.

  8. Happy New Year, and a Merry Christmas to you as well Sybil!


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